Lftp For Windows

  1. Lftp For Windows 7
  2. Lftp Client For Windows
  3. Lftp For Windows 7

#21qw #examples on using lftp -f command in linux shell scripting #ftp #how to transfer files using ftp in cetos #lftp #lftp -f files tutoriel #lftp -f mirror.sh #lftp between linux and windows #lftp between two linux machines #lftp file complete #lftp mirror -c #lftp mirror include example #lftp ouput #lftp script-file example #lftp windows. Aug 24, 2010  LFTP for Windows August 24, 2010 by robparker Bookmark the permalink. I’ve been using a version of the excellent LFTP (v3.7.6), command line FTP client for Windows as part of a more complex backup program I’ve written. I thought lftp does it, but it seems weird. Simple command to connect to FTPS server on Linux command line. Using GUI ftp on Windows 7 and Vista without. On Windows 10, web site managers typically allow you to automatically update a site by FTP transfer. But If that’s not the case, you must turn to FTP software solutions. A very simple way is to use Unix programs like LFTP.

Chocolatey is software management automation for Windows that wraps installers, executables, zips, and scripts into compiled packages. Chocolatey integrates w/SCCM, Puppet, Chef, etc. Chocolatey is trusted by businesses to manage software deployments.

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commented Sep 1, 2015

How can I install lftp on Windows 7? I tried installing it using Cygwin but it didn't seem to work. Is there any other way of installing it globally on Windows 7?

I am using Git Bash to run Wordmove. I can access lftp via Cygwin Terminal but can't access it via Git Bash.

commented Sep 1, 2015

Although this is not the place to ask for support for lftp you just need to go through Google and search for LFTP for Windows 7.

First thing I found was http://nwgat.ninja/lftp-for-windows/
Hope this helps

commented Sep 1, 2015

I have already tried this. It didn't work. I've spent almost the whole day searching for a solution but nothing has worked so far.

commented Sep 1, 2015

So, I just read that you are using Git Bash. Could you tell us what Git Bash is doing?

commented Sep 1, 2015

When I push the site it starts the uploading process but it gets completed within a couple of seconds but nothing actually gets uploaded. When I try to check the version of lftp via Git Bash I get the 'command not found' error. However if I check the version of lftp via Cygwin terminal it does show the version of lftp installed.

commented Sep 1, 2015

try uploading something without wordmove and only with help of lftp to check if it's an issue with lftp or your pc.

commented Sep 1, 2015

I tried connecting directly through lftp using regular FTP via Cygwin terminal and I got the following error:
Fatal error: Certificate verification: subjectAltName does not match ‘domain.com’

But when I tried to connect using SFTP - lftp got connected and I was able to transfer files without any problem.

Is there a way I could use SFTP instead of regular FTP? Maybe that will work.

commented Sep 1, 2015

SFTP SSH. So just switch to SSH

commented Sep 1, 2015

I just tried SSH with wordmove. It did the exact same thing. Completed the uploading process within a couple of seconds but nothing got uploaded.

commented Sep 1, 2015

Strange. No error message?

added helpwindows labels Sep 1, 2015

commented Sep 1, 2015

Not at all. It seems like it runs the complete uploading procedure but the files are not actually getting uploaded. I have tried it several times and it does exactly the same thing every time both with FTP and SSH.

Using Movefile:
Pushing wordpress code:
Pushing uploads:
Pushing Themes:
Pushing Plugins:
Pushing Languages:
Pushing Database:

commented Sep 14, 2015

Totally same thing on Windows 8 and Windows 10 here.

I tried installing LFTP multiple ways on Windows and none works with Wordmove.

But now, I'm not sure if it's only LFTP issue after all, since Wordmove doesn't work with SSH too on Windows, at least for me (and I have everything set properly for it to work with SSH).
Wordmove finishes everything without outputting any errors (connects to site via SSH successfully, says it's pushing files..) in command prompt, but actually doesn't do anything in the end (doesn't move files or db).

So pretty much the same issue Creativezed reported.

I know Wordmove is not tested on Windows too much, so I'm wondering if it does work on Windows at all? Anyone using it on Windows?

commented Oct 31, 2015

I'm having the exact same problem. Connect via SSH. Using wordmove push --all, and it looks like it's working, but nothing appears on the server.

commented Nov 1, 2015

Please test if it is working, if you push something over lftp manually.

commented Nov 16, 2015

I'm a little late here.. but I use WordMove on Windows successfully. For those that are having issues do you have openssh installed as well?

commented Nov 16, 2015

I have OpenSSH installed but still no success. Are you using Windows 7? Can you please share how you setup wordmove on your PC step by step. It will be very helpful for a lot of people. Thanks!

commented Nov 16, 2015

By the way, I can only access SSH via Cygwin Terminal and not by the Command Prompt. Maybe that's what's causing the problem? Can you access SSH via Command Prompt after installing openSSH?

commented Nov 16, 2015

@creativezed Unfortunately I set this up almost 2 years ago so I don't remember exactly what I did step by step. Maybe I will see if I can setup a clean VM image and get it working in there.

As for the SSH, yes I can access it from the normal command prompt. I have it pointing to the version that is bundled with GIT.

commented Nov 16, 2015

@ChuckMac I think we've figured out what's causing this problem. Can you please guide me how I can setup SSH to work via Command Prompt. I'll give wordmove a try again after that and I have a strong feeling that this will work. Thanks again!

commented Nov 16, 2015

@creativezed install Git for Windows. Add /bin to your system PATH.

commented Nov 16, 2015

@ChuckMac I have already installed Git for Windows. How do I add /bin to system PATH?

commented Nov 16, 2015

setx path '%path%;C:Program Files (x86)Gitbin'

(or whatever directory you installed it)

commented Nov 16, 2015

@ChuckMac I pasted this in Command Prompt after adjusting the path and got the message 'SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.' I restarted Command Prompt and entered 'ssh' but it says that ssh is not recognized..

I've re-checked that the path I've entered and it's correct. There are three files in the bin folder: bash.exe, git.exe and sh.exe

commented Nov 16, 2015

@creativezed strange. you can try it the GUI way if that is not working for you:

commented Dec 19, 2015

DItto with wordmove on windows just showing remote connection with no errors on upload but not actually uploading jack dittly.

commented Feb 5, 2016

We have just published a disclaimer about Windows Support https://github.com/welaika/wordmove/wiki/Windows-(un)support-disclaimer

commented Feb 19, 2016

@here Take a look at the dev branch and try to update to the latest pre-relase: we've merged 2 FTP-related PRs.

I'm closing here, because we're mixing issues: the OP requested help installing LFTP. There's another issue tracking the 'does not upload anything on windows'. Move there the appropriate discussion, please

closed this Feb 19, 2016
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  • Unix Commands Reference
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lftp - Sophisticated file transfer programlftp [-d] [-e cmd] [-p port][-u user[,pass]] [site]
lftp -f script_file
lftp -c Lftp For Windowscommands
lftp --version
lftp --help

This man page documents lftp version 3.7.7.

lftp is a file transfer program that allows sophisticated ftp, httpand other connections to other hosts. If site is specified then lftpwill connect to that site otherwise a connection has to be established withthe open command.

lftp can handle several file access methods - ftp, ftps, http, https,hftp, fish, sftp and file (https and ftps are only available when lftp iscompiled with GNU TLS or OpenSSL library). You can specify the method to use in ‘openURL’ command, e.g. ‘open http://www.us.kernel.org/pub/linux’. hftp isftp-over-http-proxy protocol. It can be used automatically instead of ftpif ftp:proxy is set to ‘http://proxy[:port]’. Fish is a protocol workingover an ssh connection to a unix account. SFtp is a protocol implementedin ssh2 as sftp subsystem.

Every operation in lftp is reliable, that is any not fatal error isignored and the operation is repeated. So if downloading breaks, itwill be restarted from the point automatically. Even if ftp serverdoes not support REST command, lftp will try to retrieve the file fromthe very beginning until the file is transferred completely.

lftp has shell-like command syntax allowing you to launch severalcommands in parallel in background (&). It is also possible to groupcommands within () and execute them in background. All background jobsare executed in the same single process. You can bring a foregroundjob to background with ^Z (c-z) and back with command ‘wait’ (or ‘fg’ whichis alias to ‘wait’). To list running jobs, use command ‘jobs’. Somecommands allow redirecting their output (cat, ls, ..) to file or viapipe to external command. Commands can be executed conditionally basedon termination status of previous command (&&, ).

If you exit lftp when some jobs are not finished yet, lftp will moveitself to nohup mode in background. The same happens when you have areal modem hangup or when you close an xterm.

lftp has builtin mirror which can download or update a whole directorytree. There is also reverse mirror (mirror -R) which uploads orupdates a directory tree on server. Mirror can also synchronize directoriesbetween two remote servers, using FXP if available.

There is command ‘at’ to launch a job at specified time in currentcontext, command ‘queue’ to queue commands for sequential executionfor current server, and much more.

On startup, lftp executes /etc/lftp.conf and then ~/.lftprc and~/.lftp/rc. You can place aliases and ‘set’ commands there. Somepeople prefer to see full protocol debug, use ‘debug’ to turn thedebug on. Use ‘debug 3’ to see only greeting messages and errormessages.

lftp has a number of settable variables. You can use ‘set -a’ to seeall variables and their values or ‘set -d’ to see list of defaults.Variable names can be abbreviated and prefix can be omitted unless therest becomes ambiguous.

If lftp was compiled with OpenSSL (configure --with-openssl), then it includes software developedby the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/)


! shell command

Launch shell or shell command.

To do a directory listing of the local host.

alias [name [value]]

Define or undefine alias name. If value is omitted, the alias isundefined, else it takes the value value. If no argument is giventhe current aliases are listed.


Sets the user to anonymous. This is the default.

attime [ -- command ]

Wait until the given time and execute given (optional) command. See also at(1).

bookmark [subcommand]

The bookmark command controls bookmarks.

cache [subcommand]

The cache command controls local memory cache.The following subcommands are recognized:


cat outputs the remote file(s) to stdout. (See also more,zcat and zmore)

cd rdir

Change current remote directory. The previous remote directory isstored as ‘-’. You can do ‘cd -’ to change the directory back.The previous directory for each site is also stored on disk,so you can do ‘open site; cd -’ even after lftp restart.

chmodmode files

Change permission mask on remote files. The mode must be an octal number.

close [-a]

Close idle connections. By default only with the current server, use-a to close all idle connections.

cls [OPTS] files..

‘cls’ tries to retrieve information about specified files or directoriesand outputs the information according to format options. The difference between‘ls’ and ‘cls’ is that ‘ls’ requests the server to format file listing, and‘cls’ formats it itself, after retrieving all the needed information.See ‘help cls’ for options.


execute given command ignoring aliases.

debug [-ofile] leveloff

Switch debugging to level or turn it off. Use -o to redirectthe debug output to a file.

echo [-n] string

guess what it does.

eval [-fformat ] args..

without -f it just executes given arguments as a command. With -f, argumentsare transformed into a new command. The format can contain plain text andplaceholders $0..$9 and $@, corresponding to the arguments.

exit [bg] [top] [kill] [code]

exit will exit from lftp or move to background if there are active jobs. Ifno job is active, code is passed to operating system as lftp’stermination status. If code is omitted, the exit code of lastcommand is used.

‘exit bg’ forces moving to background when cmd:move-background is false.‘exit top’ makes top level ‘shell’ (internal lftp command executor) terminate.‘exit kill’ kills all numbered jobs before exiting. The options can be combined, e.g.‘at 08:00 -- exit top kill &’ kills all jobs and makes lftp exit at specified time.


Alias for ‘wait’.

find [directory]

List files in the directory (current directory by default) recursively.This can help with servers lacking ls -R support. You can redirect outputof this command.


Obsolete. Use one of the following instead:

or other combinations to get FXP transfer (directly between two ftp servers).lftp would fallback to plain copy (via client) if FXP transfer cannot beinitiated or ftp:use-fxp is false.

get [-E] [-a] [-c] [-Obase] rfile [-olfile] ..

Retrieve the remote file rfile and store it as the local filelfile. If -o is omitted, the file is stored to local file named asbase name of rfile. You can get multiple files by specifying multipleinstances of rfile (and -o lfile). Does not expand wildcards, usemget for that.


get1 [OPTS] rfile

Transfer a single file. Options:

glob [-d] [-a] [-f] command patterns

Glob given patterns containing metacharacters and pass result to given command.E.g. ‘‘glob echo *’’.

help [cmd]

Print help for cmd or if no cmd was specified print a list ofavailable commands.

jobs [-v]

List running jobs. -v means verbose, several -v can be specified.

kill all job_no

Delete specified job with job_no or all jobs.(For job_no see jobs)


Change current local directory ldir. The previous localdirectory is stored as ‘-’. You can do ‘lcd -’ to change the directory back.


Print current working directory on local machine.


List remote files. You can redirect output of this command to file orvia pipe to external command. By default, ls output is cached, to seenew listing userels orcache flush.

mget [-c] [-d] [-a] [-E] [-Obase] files

Gets selected files with expanded wildcards.

mirror [OPTS] [source [target]]

Mirror specified source directory to local target directory. If targetdirectory ends with a slash, the source base name is appended to targetdirectory name. Source and/or target can be URLs pointing to directories.

When using -R, the first directory is local and the second is remote.If the second directory is omitted, base name of first directory is used.If both directories are omitted, current local and remote directories are used.If target directory ends with a slash (except root directory) then basename of source directory is appended.

RX is an extended regular expression, just like in egrep(1).

GP is a glob pattern, e.g. ‘*.zip’.

Include and exclude options can be specified multiple times. It means thata file or directory would be mirrored if it matches an include and doesnot match to excludes after the include, or does not match anythingand the first check is exclude. Directories are matched with a slash appended.

Note that symbolic links are not created when uploading to remote server,because ftp protocol cannot do it. To upload files the links referto, use ‘mirror -RL’ command (treat symbolic links as files).

For option --newer-than you can either specify a file or time specificationlike that used by at(1) command, e.g. ‘now-7days’ or ‘week ago’. If youspecify a file, then modification time of that file will be used.

Verbosity level can be selected using --verbose=level option or by several-v options, e.g. -vvv. Levels are:

--only-newer turns off file size comparison and uploads/downloadsonly newer files even if size is different. By default older files are transferred and replace newer ones.

You can mirror between two servers if you specify URLs instead of directories.FXP is used automatically for transfers between ftp servers, if possible.

Some ftp servers hide dot-files by default (e.g. .htaccess), and showthem only when LIST command is used with -a option. In such case try to use‘set ftp:list-options -a’.

mkdir [-p] dir(s)

Make remote directories. If -p is used, make all components of paths.

modulemodule [ args ]

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Load given module using dlopen(3) function. If module name does not containa slash, it is searched in directories specified by module:path variable.Arguments are passed to module_init function. See README.modules for technicaldetails.


Same as ‘cat files more’. if PAGER is set, it is used as filter.(See also cat, zcat and zmore)

mput [-c] [-d] [-a] [-E] [-Obase] files

Upload files with wildcard expansion. By default it uses the base name oflocal name as remote one. This can be changed by ‘-d’ option.


Same as ‘glob rm’. Removes specified file(s) with wildcard expansion.


Rename file1 to file2.

nlist [args]

List remote file names

open [-ecmd] [-uuser[,pass]] [-pport] hosturl

Select an ftp server.

pget [OPTS] rfile [-o lfile]

Gets the specified file using several connections. This can speed uptransfer, but loads the net and server heavily impacting other users. Use only ifyou really have to transfer the file ASAP.Options:

put [-E] [-a] [-c] [-O base] lfile [-o rfile] Star wars battlefront 2 iso.

Upload lfile with remote name rfile. If -o omitted, the base nameof lfile is used as remote name. Does not expand wildcards, use mput for that.

pwd [-p]

Print current remote URL. Use ‘-p’ option to show password in the URL.

queue [-nnum ] cmd

Add the given command to queue for sequential execution. Each site has its ownqueue. ‘-n’ adds the command before the given item in the queue. Don’t try toqueue ‘cd’ or ‘lcd’ commands, it may confuse lftp. Insteaddo the cd/lcd before ‘queue’ command, and it will remember the place in whichthe command is to be done. It is possible to queue up an already running jobby ‘queue wait <jobno>’, but the job will continue execution even if it is notthe first in queue.

‘queue stop’ will stop the queue, it will not execute any new commands,but already running jobs will continue to run. You can use ‘queue stop’ tocreate an empty stopped queue. ‘queue start’ will resume queue execution.When you exit lftp, it will start all stopped queues automatically.

‘queue’ with no arguments will either create a stopped queue or print queuestatus.

queue--delete -d [index or wildcard expression]

Delete one or more items from the queue. If no argument is given, the lastentry in the queue is deleted.

queue--move -m <index or wildcard expression> [index]

Move the given items before the given queue index, or to the end if nodestination is given.


For FTP - send the command uninterpreted. Use with caution - it can lead tounknown remote state and thus will cause reconnect. You cannotbe sure that any change of remote state because of quoted commandis solid - it can be reset by reconnect at any time.

For HTTP - specific to HTTP action. Syntax: ‘‘quote <command> [<args>]’’.Command may be ‘‘set-cookie’’ or ‘‘post’’.

For FISH - send the command uninterpreted. This can be used to executearbitrary commands on server. The command must not take input or print ###at new line beginning. If it does, the protocol will become out of sync.

reget rfile [-olfile]

Same as ‘get -c’.

rels [args]

Same as ‘ls’, but ignores the cache.

renlist [args]

Same as ‘nlist’, but ignores the cache.

repeat [ -c<count>] [[-d] delay] [command]

Repeat the command. Between the commands a delay is inserted, by default 1 second.Option ‘-c’ limits number of repeations. Option ‘--while-ok’ breaks loop whencommand returns non-zero exit code; ‘--until-ok’ breaks on zero exit code.Examples:

reputlfile [-orfile]

Same as ‘put -c’.

Lftp For Windows 7

rm [-r] [-f] files

Remove remote files. Does not expand wildcards, use mrm forthat. -r is for recursive directory remove. Be careful, if something goeswrong you can lose files. -f suppress error messages.


Remove remote directories.

scache [session]

List cached sessions or switch to specified session.

set [var [val]]

Set variable to given value. If the value is omitted, unset the variable.Variable name has format ‘‘name/closure’’, where closure can specifyexact application of the setting. See below for details.If set is called with no variable then only altered settings are listed.It can be changed by options:


Execute site command site_cmd and output the result.You can redirect its output.


Sleep given time interval and exit. Interval is in seconds by default, butcan be suffixed with ’m’, ’h’, ’d’ for minutes, hours and days respectively.See also at.

slot [name]

Lftp Client For Windows

Select specified slot or list all slots allocated. A slot is a connectionto a server, somewhat like a virtual console. You can create multiple slotsconnected to different servers and switch between them. You can also useslot:name as a pseudo-URL evaluating to that slot location.

Default readline binding allows quick switching between slots named 0-9 usingMeta-0 - Meta-9 keys (often you can use Alt instead of Meta).

source -ecommand

Execute commands recorded in file file or returned by specified external command.



Stop lftp process. Note that transfers will be also stopped until youcontinue the process with shell’s fg or bg commands.

useruser [pass]
userURL [pass]

Use specified info for remote login. If you specify an URL with user name,the entered password will be cached so that future URL references can use it.


Print lftp version.

wait [jobno]
wait all

Wait for specified job to terminate. If jobno is omitted, wait for lastbackgrounded job.

‘wait all’ waits for all jobs termination.


Same as cat, but filter each file through zcat. (See also cat,more and zmore)


Same as more, but filter each file through zcat. (See also cat,zcat and more)


On startup, lftp executes~/.lftprc and ~/.lftp/rc. You can place aliasesand ‘set’ commands there. Some people prefer to see full protocoldebug, use ‘debug’ to turn the debug on.

There is also a system-wide startup file in/etc/lftp.conf. It can be in different directory, see FILES section.

Lftp For Windows 7

lftp has the following settable variables (you can also use‘set -a’ to see all variables and their values):
bmk:save-passwords (boolean)
save plain text passwords in ~/.lftp/bookmarks on ‘bookmark add’ command.Off by default.
cmd:at-exit (string)
the commands in string are executed before lftp exits.
cmd:csh-history (boolean)
enables csh-like history expansion.
cmd:default-protocol (string)
The value is used when ‘open’ is usedwith just host name without protocol. Default is ‘ftp’.
cmd:fail-exit (boolean)
if true, exit when an unconditional (without and && at begin) command fails.
cmd:long-running (seconds)
time of command execution, which isconsidered as ‘long’ and a beep is done before next prompt. 0means off.
cmd:ls-default (string)
default ls argument
cmd:move-background (boolean)
when false, lftp refuses to go to background when exiting. To force it, use ‘exit bg’.
cmd:move-background-detach (boolean)
when true (default), lftp detaches itself from the control terminal whenmoving to background, it is not possible to attach back; when false, lftptricks the shell to move lftp to background process group and continues torun, then fg shell command brings lftp back to foreground unless it hasdone all jobs and terminated.
cmd:prompt (string)
The prompt. lftp recognizes the following backslash-escaped specialcharacters that are decoded as follows:

@insert @ if current user is not default
aan ASCII bell character (07)
ean ASCII escape character (033)
hthe hostname you are connected to
sthe name of the client (lftp)
Scurrent slot name
uthe username of the user you are logged in as
Uthe URL of the remote site (e.g., ftp://g437.ub.gu.se/home/james/src/lftp)
vthe version of lftp (e.g., 2.0.3)
wthe current working directory at the remote site
Wthe base name of the current working directory at the remote site
nnnthe character corresponding to the octal number nnn
a backslash
?skips next character if previous substitution was empty.
[begin a sequence of non-printing characters, which could be used toembed a terminal control sequence into the prompt
]end a sequence of non-printing characters

cmd:parallel (number)
Number of jobs run in parallel in non-interactive mode. For example,this may be useful for scripts with multiple ‘get’ commands. Note that settingthis to a value greater than 1 changes conditional execution behaviour, basicallymakes it inconsistent.
cmd:queue-parallel (number)
Number of jobs run in parallel in a queue.
cmd:time-style (string)
This setting is the default value for cls --time-style option.
cmd:trace (boolean)
when true, lftp prints the commands it executes (like sh -x).
cache:cache-empty-listings (boolean)
When false, empty listings are not cached.
cache:enable (boolean)
When false, cache is disabled.
cache:expire (time interval)
Positive cache entries expire in this time interval.
cache:expire-negative (time interval)
Negative cache entries expire in this time interval.
cache:size (number)
Maximum cache size. When exceeded, oldest cache entries will be removed from cache.
cmd:remote-completion (boolean)
a boolean to control whether or not lftp uses remote completion.
cmd:verify-host (boolean)
if true, lftp resolves host name immediately in ‘open’ command.It is also possible to skip the check for a single ‘open’ command if ‘&’ is given,or if ^Z is pressed during the check.
cmd:verify-path (boolean)
if true, lftp checks the path given in ‘cd’ command.It is also possible to skip the check for a single ‘cd’ command if ‘&’ is given,or if ^Z is pressed during the check.Examples:
cmd:verify-path-cached (boolean)
When false, ‘cd’ to a directory known from cache as existent will succeed immediately.Otherwise the verification will depend on cmd:verify-path setting.
dns:SRV-query (boolean)
query for SRV records and use them before gethostbyname. The SRV recordsare only used if port is not explicitly specified. See RFC2052 for details.
dns:cache-enable (boolean)
enable DNS cache. If it is off, lftp resolves host name each time it reconnects.
dns:cache-expire (time interval)
time to live for DNS cache entries. It has format <number><unit>+, e.g.1d12h30m5s or just 36h. To disable expiration, set it to ‘inf’ or ‘never’.
dns:cache-size (number)
maximum number of DNS cache entries.
dns:fatal-timeout (time interval)
limit the time for DNS queries. If DNS server is unavailable too long, lftpwill fail to resolve a given host name. Set to ‘never’ to disable.
dns:order (list of protocol names)
sets the order of DNS queries. Default is ‘‘inet6 inet’’ which means firstlook up address in inet6 family, then inet and use them in that order.To disable inet6 (AAAA) lookup, set this variable to ‘‘inet’’.
dns:use-fork (boolean)
if true, lftp will fork before resolving host address. Default is true.
dns:max-retries (number)
If zero, there is no limit on the number of times lftp will tryto lookup an address.If > 0, lftp will try only this number of times to look up an address of eachaddress family in dns:order.
file:charset (string)
local character set. It is set from current locale initially.
fish:charset (string)
the character set used by fish server in requests, replies and file listings.Default is empty which means the same as local.
fish:connect-program (string)
the program to use for connecting to remote server. It should support ‘-l’ optionfor user name, ‘-p’ for port number. Default is ‘ssh -a -x’. You can set it to‘rsh’, for example.
fish:shell (string)
use specified shell on server side. Default is /bin/sh. On some systems,/bin/sh exits when doing cd to a non-existent directory. lftp can handlethat but it has to reconnect. Set it to /bin/bash for such systems ifbash is installed.
ftp:acct (string)
Send this string in ACCT command after login. The result is ignored.The closure for this setting has format user@host.
ftp:anon-pass (string)
sets the password used for anonymous ftp access authentication.Default is '-name@', where name is the username of the user running theprogram.
ftp:anon-user (string)
sets the user name used for anonymous ftp access authentication.Default is 'anonymous'.
ftp:auto-sync-mode (regex)
if first server message matches this regex, turn on sync mode for that host.
ftp:charset (string)
the character set used by ftp server in requests, replies and file listings.Default is empty which means the same as local. This setting is only usedwhen the server does not support UTF8.
ftp:client (string)
the name of ftp client to send with CLNT command, if supported by server.If it is empty, then no CLNT command will be sent.
ftp:bind-data-socket (boolean)
bind data socket to the interface of control connection (in passive mode).Default is true, exception is the loopback interface.
ftp:fix-pasv-address (boolean)
if true, lftp will try to correct address returned by server for PASV commandin case when server address is in public network and PASV returns an addressfrom a private network. In this case lftp would substitute server addressinstead of the one returned by PASV command, port number would not be changed.Default is true.
ftp:fxp-passive-source (boolean)
if true, lftp will try to set up source ftp server in passive mode first,otherwise destination one. If first attempt fails, lftp tries to set them upthe other way. If the other disposition fails too, lftp falls back to plaincopy. See also ftp:use-fxp.
ftp:home (string)
Initial directory. Default is empty string which means auto. Set this to ‘/’if you don’t like the look of %2F in ftp URLs. The closure for this settinghas format user@host.
ftp:ignore-pasv-address (boolean)
If true, lftp uses control connection address instead of the one returned inPASV reply for data connection. This can be useful for broken NATs.Default is false.
ftp:list-empty-ok (boolean)
if set to false, empty lists from LIST command will be treated as incorrect,and another method (NLST) will be used.
ftp:list-options (string)
sets options which are always appended to LIST command. It can beuseful to set this to ‘-a’ if server does not show dot (hidden) files by default.Default is empty.
ftp:nop-interval (seconds)
delay between NOOP commands when downloading tail of a file. This is usefulfor ftp servers which send 'Transfer complete' message before flushingdata transfer. In such cases NOOP commands can prevent connection timeout.
ftp:passive-mode (boolean)
sets passive ftp mode. This can be useful if you are behind a firewall or adumb masquerading router. In passive mode lftp uses PASV command, not thePORT command which is used in active mode. In passive mode lftp itselfmakes the data connection to the server; in active mode the server connectsto lftp for data transfer. Passive mode is the default.
ftp:port-ipv4 (ipv4 address)
specifies an IPv4 address to send with PORT command. Default is empty whichmeans to send the address of local end of control connection.
ftp:port-range (from-to)
allowed port range for active mode.Format is min-max, or ‘full’ or ‘any’ to indicate any port. Default is ‘full’.
ftp:proxy (URL)
specifies ftp proxy to use.To disable proxy set this to empty string. Note that it is an ftp proxy whichuses ftp protocol, not ftp over http. Default value is taken from environmentvariable ftp_proxy if it starts with ‘‘ftp://’’. If your ftp proxyrequires authentication, specify user name and password in the URL.If ftp:proxy starts with http:// then hftp protocol (ftp over http proxy) is used insteadof ftp automatically.
ftp:proxy-auth-type (string)
When set to ‘‘joined’’, lftp sends ‘‘user@proxy_user@ftp.example.org’’ asuser name to proxy, and ‘‘password@proxy_password’’ as password.
When set to ‘‘joined-acct’’, lftp sends ‘‘user@ftp.example.orgproxy_user’’ (with space) as user name to proxy. The site password is sent asusual and the proxy password is expected in the following ACCT command.
When set to ‘‘open’’, lftp first sends proxy user andproxy password and then ‘‘OPEN ftp.example.org’’ followed by ‘‘USER user’’.The site password is then sent as usual.
When set to ‘‘user’’ (default), lftp first sends proxy user andproxy password and then ‘‘user@ftp.example.org’’ as user name.The site password is then sent as usual.
When set to ‘‘proxy-user@host’’, lftp first sends ‘‘USER proxy_user@ftp.example.org’’,then proxy password. The site user and password are then sent as usual.
ftp:rest-list (boolean)
allow usage of REST command before LIST command. This might be useful forlarge directories, but some ftp servers silently ignore REST before LIST.
ftp:rest-stor (boolean)
if false, lftp will not try to use REST before STOR. This can be usefulfor some buggy servers which corrupt (fill with zeros) the file if REST followedby STOR is used.
ftp:retry-530 (regex)
Retry on server reply 530 for PASS command if text matches this regular expression.This setting should be useful to distinguish between overloaded server(temporary condition) and incorrect password (permanent condition).
ftp:retry-530-anonymous (regex)
Additional regular expression for anonymous login, like ftp:retry-530.
ftp:site-group (string)
Send this string in SITE GROUP command after login. The result is ignored.The closure for this setting has format user@host.
ftp:skey-allow (boolean)
allow sending skey/opie reply if server appears to support it. On by default.
ftp:skey-force (boolean)
do not send plain text password over the network, use skey/opie instead. Ifskey/opie is not available, assume failed login. Off by default.
ftp:ssl-allow (boolean)
if true, try to negotiate SSL connection with ftp server for non-anonymousaccess. Default is true. This and other ssl settings are only available if lftp was compiledwith an ssl/tls library.
ftp:ssl-data-use-keys (boolean)
if true, lftp loads ssl:key-file for protected data connection too. When false,it does not, and the server can match data and control connections by session ID.Default is true.
ftp:ssl-force (boolean)
if true, refuse to send password in clear when server does not support SSL.Default is false.
ftp:ssl-protect-data (boolean)
if true, request ssl connection for data transfers. This is cpu-intensivebut provides privacy. Default is false.
ftp:ssl-protect-fxp (boolean)
if true, request ssl connection for data transfer between two ftp serversin FXP mode. CPSV or SSCN command will be used in that case. If ssl connectionfails for some reason, lftp would try unprotected FXP transfer unlessftp:ssl-force is set for any of the two servers. Default is false.
ftp:ssl-protect-list (boolean)
if true, request ssl connection for file list transfers. Default is true.
ftp:ssl-use-ccc (boolean)
if true, lftp would issue CCC command after logon, thus disablessl protection layer on control connection.
ftp:stat-interval (time interval)
interval between STAT commands. Default is 1 second.
ftp:sync-mode (boolean)
if true, lftp will send one command at a time and wait forresponse. This might be useful if you are using a buggy ftp server orrouter. When it is off, lftp sends a pack of commands and waits forresponses - it speeds up operation when round trip time is significant.Unfortunately it does not work with all ftp servers and some routers havetroubles with it, so it is on by default.
ftp:timezone (string)
Assume this timezone for time in listings returned by LIST command.This setting can be GMT offset [+ -]HH[:MM[:SS]] or any valid TZ value(e.g. Europe/Moscow or MSK-3MSD,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3). The default is GMT.Set it to an empty value to assume local timezone specified by environmentvariable TZ.
ftp:trust-feat (string)
When true, assume that FEAT returned data are correct and don’t usecommon protocol extensions like SIZE, MDTM, REST if they are not listed.Default is false.
ftp:use-abor (boolean)
if false, lftp does not send ABOR command but closes data connectionimmediately.
ftp:use-allo (boolean)
when true (default), lftp sends ALLO command before uploading a file.
ftp:use-feat (boolean)
when true (default), lftp uses FEAT command to determine extended features offtp server.
ftp:use-fxp (boolean)
if true, lftp will try to set up direct connection between two ftp servers.
ftp:use-hftp (boolean)
when ftp:proxy points to an http proxy, this setting selects hftp method (GET,HEAD) when true, and CONNECT method when false. Default is true.
ftp:lang (boolean)
the language selected with LANG command, if supported as indicated by FEATresponse. Default is empty which means server default.
ftp:use-mdtm (boolean)
when true (default), lftp uses MDTM command to determine file modificationtime.
ftp:use-mdtm-overloaded (boolean)
when true, lftp uses two argument MDTM command to set file modificationtime on uploaded files. Default is false.
ftp:use-site-idle (boolean)
when true, lftp sends ‘SITE IDLE’ command with net:idle argument. Defaultis false.
ftp:use-site-utime (boolean)
when true, lftp sends 5-argument ‘SITE UTIME’ command to set file modification timeon uploaded files. Default is true.
ftp:use-site-utime2 (boolean)
when true, lftp sends 2-argument ‘SITE UTIME’ command to set file modification timeon uploaded files. Default is true.If 5-argument ‘SITE UTIME’ is also enabled, 2-argument command is tried first.
ftp:use-size (boolean)
when true (default), lftp uses SIZE command to determine file size.
ftp:use-stat (boolean)
if true, lftp sends STAT command in FXP mode transfer to know how muchdata has been transferred. See also ftp:stat-interval. Default is true.
ftp:use-stat-for-list (boolean)
when true, lftp uses STAT instead of LIST command. By default ‘.’ is usedas STAT argument. Using STAT, lftp avoids creating data connection for directorylisting. Some servers require special options for STAT, use ftp:list-optionsto specify them (e.g. -la).
ftp:use-telnet-iac (boolean)
when true (default), lftp uses TELNET IAC command and follows TELNET protocolas specified in RFC959. When false, it does not follow TELNET protocol andthus does not double 255 (0xFF, 0377) character and does not prefix ABOR andSTAT commands with TELNET IP+SYNCH signal.
ftp:use-quit (boolean)
if true, lftp sends QUIT before disconnecting from ftp server. Default is true.
ftp:verify-address (boolean)
verify that data connection comes from the network address of controlconnection peer. This can possibly prevent data connection spoofingwhich can lead to data corruption. Unfortunately, this can failfor certain ftp servers with several network interfaces,when they do not set outgoing address on data socket, so it is disabled by default.
ftp:verify-port (boolean)
verify that data connection has port 20 (ftp-data) on its remote end.This can possibly prevent data connection spoofing by users of remotehost. Unfortunately, too many windows and even unix ftp servers forgetto set proper port on data connection, thus this check is off by default.
ftp:web-mode (boolean)
disconnect after closing data connection. This can be useful for totallybroken ftp servers. Default is false.
ftps:initial-prot (string)
specifies initial PROT setting for FTPS connections. Should be one of: C, S,E, P, or empty. Default is empty which means unknown, so that lftp will usePROT command unconditionally. If PROT command turns out to be unsupported,then Clear mode would be assumed.
hftp:cache (boolean)
allow server/proxy side caching for ftp-over-http protocol.
hftp:cache-control (string)
specify corresponding HTTP request header.
hftp:proxy (URL)
specifies http proxy for ftp-over-http protocol (hftp). The protocol hftpcannot work without a http proxy, obviously.Default value is taken from environmentvariable ftp_proxy if it starts with ‘‘http://’’, otherwise fromenvironment variable http_proxy. If your ftp proxyrequires authentication, specify user name and password in the URL.
hftp:use-authorization (boolean)
if set to off, lftp will send password as part of URL to the proxy. Thismay be required for some proxies (e.g. M-soft). Default is on, and lftpwill send password as part of Authorization header.
hftp:use-head (boolean)
if set to off, lftp will try to use ‘GET’ instead of ‘HEAD’ for hftp protocol.While this is slower, it may allow lftp to work with some proxies whichdon’t understand or mishandle ‘‘HEAD ftp://’’ requests.
hftp:use-mkcol (boolean)
if set to off, lftp will try to use ‘PUT’ instead of ‘MKCOL’ to createdirectories with hftp protocol. Default is off.
hftp:use-propfind (boolean)
if set to off, lftp will not try to use ‘PROPFIND’ to get directory contentswith hftp protocol and use ‘GET’ instead. Default is off.
hftp:use-type (boolean)
If set to off, lftp won’t try to append ‘;type=’ to URLs passed to proxy.Some broken proxies don’t handle it correctly. Default is on.
http:accept, http:accept-charset, http:accept-language (string)
specify corresponding HTTP request headers.
http:authorization (string)
the authorization to use by default, when no user is specified. The formatis ‘‘user:password’’. Default is empty which means no authorization.
http:cache (boolean)
allow server/proxy side caching.
http:cache-control (string)
specify corresponding HTTP request header.
http:cookie (string)
send this cookie to server. A closure is useful here:
set cookie/www.somehost.com 'param=value'
http:post-content-type (string)
specifies value of Content-Type http request header for POST method.Default is ‘‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded’’.
http:proxy (URL)
specifies http proxy. It is used when lftp works over http protocol.Default value is taken from environment variable http_proxy.If your proxy requires authentication, specify user name and passwordin the URL.
http:put-method (PUT or POST)
specifies which http method to use on put.
http:put-content-type (string)
specifies value of Content-Type http request header for PUT method.
http:referer (string)
specifies value for Referer http request header. Single dot ‘.’ expandsto current directory URL. Default is ‘.’. Set to empty string to disableReferer header.
http:set-cookies (boolean)
if true, lftp modifies http:cookie variables when Set-Cookie header is received.
http:use-mkcol (boolean)
if set to off, lftp will try to use ‘PUT’ instead of ‘MKCOL’ to createdirectories with http protocol. Default is on.
http:use-propfind (boolean)
if set to off, lftp will not try to use ‘PROPFIND’ to get directory contentswith http protocol and use ‘GET’ instead. Default is on.
http:user-agent (string)
the string lftp sends in User-Agent header of HTTP request.
https:proxy (string)
specifies https proxy. Default value is taken from environment variable https_proxy.
mirror:dereference (boolean)
when true, mirror will dereference symbolic links by default.You can override it by --no-dereference option. Default if false.
mirror:exclude-regex (regex)
specifies default exclusion pattern. You can override it by --include option.
mirror:include-regex (regex)
specifies default inclusion pattern. It is used just after mirror:exclude-regexis applied. It is never used if mirror:exclude-regex is empty.
mirror:order (list of patterns)
specifies order of file transfers. E.g. setting this to '*.sfv *.sum' makes mirror totransfer files matching *.sfv first, then ones matching *.sum and then all otherfiles. To process directories after other files, add '*/' to end of pattern list.
mirror:parallel-directories (boolean)
if true, mirror will start processing of several directories in parallelwhen it is in parallel mode. Otherwise, it will transfer files from a singledirectory before moving to other directories.
mirror:parallel-transfer-count (number)
specifies number of parallel transfers mirror is allowed to start. Default is 1.You can override it with --parallel option.
mirror:set-permissions (boolean)
When set to off, mirror won’t try to copy file and directory permissions.You can override it by --perms option. Default is on.
mirror:use-pget-n (number)
specifies -n option for pget command used to transfer every single file undermirror. Default is 1 which disables pget.
module:path (string)
colon separated list of directories to look for modules. Can be initialized byenvironment variable LFTP_MODULE_PATH. Default is ‘PKGLIBDIR/VERSION:PKGLIBDIR’.
net:connection-limit (number)
maximum number of concurrent connections to the same site. 0 means unlimited.
net:connection-takeover (boolean)
if true, foreground connections have priority over background ones and caninterrupt background transfers to complete a foreground operation.
net:idle (time interval)
disconnect from server after this idle time. Default is 3 minutes.
net:limit-rate (bytes per second)
limit transfer rate on data connection. 0 means unlimited. You can specifytwo numbers separated by colon to limit download and upload rate separately.
net:limit-max (bytes)
limit accumulating of unused limit-rate. 0 means unlimited.
net:limit-total-rate (bytes per second)
limit transfer rate of all connections in sum. 0 means unlimited. You can specifytwo numbers separated by colon to limit download and upload rate separately.Note that sockets have receive buffers on them, this can lead to networklink load higher than this rate limit just after transfer beginning. Youcan try to set net:socket-buffer to relatively small value to avoid this.
net:limit-total-max (bytes)
limit accumulating of unused limit-total-rate. 0 means unlimited.
net:max-retries (number)
the maximum number of sequential retries of an operation without success.0 means unlimited.
net:no-proxy (string)
contains comma separated list of domains for which proxy should not be used.Default is taken from environment variable no_proxy.
net:persist-retries (number)
ignore this number of hard errors. Useful to login to buggy ftp servers whichreply 5xx when there is too many users.
net:reconnect-interval-base (seconds)
sets the base minimal time between reconnects. Actual interval depends onnet:reconnect-interval-multiplier and number of attempts to perform anoperation.
net:reconnect-interval-max (seconds)
sets maximum reconnect interval. When current interval after multiplicationby net:reconnect-interval-multiplier reachs this value (or exceeds it), itis reset back to net:reconnect-interval-base.
net:reconnect-interval-multiplier (real number)
sets multiplier by which base interval is multiplied each time new attemptto perform an operation fails. When the interval reachs maximum, it is resetto base value. See net:reconnect-interval-base and net:reconnect-interval-max.
net:socket-bind-ipv4 (ipv4 address)
bind all IPv4 sockets to specified address. This can be useful to select aspecific network interface to use. Default is empty which means not to bindIPv4 sockets, operating system will choose an address automatically usingrouting table.
net:socket-bind-ipv6 (ipv6 address)
the same for IPv6 sockets.
net:socket-buffer (bytes)
use given size for SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF socket options. 0 means systemdefault.
net:socket-maxseg (bytes)
use given size for TCP_MAXSEG socket option. Not all operating systems supportthis option, but linux does.
net:timeout (time interval)
sets the network protocol timeout.
pget:default-n (number)
default number of chunks to split the file to in pget.
pget:save-status (time interval)
save pget transfer status this often. Set to ‘never’ to disable saving of the status file.The status is saved to a file with suffix .lftp-pget-status.
sftp:charset (string)
the character set used by sftp server in file names and file listings.Default is empty which means the same as local. This setting is only usedfor sftp protocol version prior to 4. Version 4 and later always use UTF-8.
sftp:connect-program (string)
the program to use for connecting to remote server. It should support ‘-l’ optionfor user name, ‘-p’ for port number. Default is ‘ssh -a -x’. You can set it to‘rsh’, for example.
sftp:max-packets-in-flight (number)
The maximum number of unreplied packets in flight. If round trip time issignificant, you should increase this and size-read/size-write. Default is 16.
sftp:protocol-version (number)
The protocol number to negotiate. Default is 4. The actual protocol versionused depends on server.
sftp:server-program (string)
The server program implementing SFTP protocol. If it does not contain a slash ‘/’,it is considered a ssh2 subsystem and -s option is used when starting connect-program.Default is ‘sftp’. You can use rsh as transport level protocol like this:

Similarly you can run sftp over ssh1.

sftp:size-read (number)
Block size for reading. Default is 0x8000.
sftp:size-write (number)
Block size for writing. Default is 0x8000.
ssl:ca-file (path to file)
use specified file as Certificate Authority certificate.
ssl:ca-path (path to directory)
use specified directory as Certificate Authority certificate repository (OpenSSL only).
ssl:check-hostname (boolean)
when true, lftp checks if the host name used to connect to the servercorresponds to the host name in its certificate.
ssl:crl-file (path to file)
use specified file as Certificate Revocation List certificate.
ssl:crl-path (path to directory)
use specified directory as Certificate Revocation List certificate repository (OpenSSL only).
ssl:key-file (path to file)
use specified file as your private key.
ssl:cert-file (path to file)
use specified file as your certificate.
ssl:verify-certificate (boolean)
if set to yes, then verify server’s certificate to be signed by a knownCertificate Authority and not be on Certificate Revocation List.
xfer:auto-rename (boolean)
Suggested filenames provided by the server are used if user explicitly sets this option to ’on’. As this could be security risk, default is off.
xfer:clobber (boolean)
if this setting is off, get commands will not overwrite existingfiles and generate an error instead. Default is off.
xfer:destination-directory (path or URL to directory)
This setting is used as default -O option for get and mget commands.Default is empty, which means current directory (no -O option).
xfer:full-disk-fatal (boolean)
when true, lftp aborts a thansfer if it cannot write target file becauseof full disk or quota; when false, lftp waits for disk space to be freed.
xfer:eta-period (seconds)
the period over which weighted average rate is calculated to produce ETA.
xfer:eta-terse (boolean)
show terse ETA (only high order parts). Default is true.
xfer:log (boolean)
when true, lftp logs transfers to ~/.lftp/transfer_log.
xfer:max-redirections (number)
maximum number of redirections. This can be useful for downloading over HTTP.0 prohibits redirections.
xfer:rate-period (seconds)
the period over which weighted average rate is calculated to be shown.
The name of a variable can be abbreviated unless it becomesambiguous. The prefix before ‘:’ can be omitted too. You canset one variable several times for different closures, and thusyou can get a particular settings for particular state. The closureis to be specified after variable name separated with slash ‘/’.

The closure for ‘dns:’, ‘net:’, ‘ftp:’, ‘http:’, ‘hftp:’ domain variablesis currently just the host name as you specify it in the ‘open’ command(with some exceptions where closure is meaningless, e.g. dns:cache-size).For some ‘cmd:’ domain variables the closure is current URL without path.For other variables it is not currently used. See examples in the samplelftp.conf.

Certain commands and settings take a time interval parameter. It hasthe format Nx[Nx..], where N is time amount (floating point) and x is time unit: d - days,h - hours, m - minutes, s - seconds. Default unit is second. E.g. 5h30m or 5.5h.Also the interval can be ‘infinity’, ‘inf’, ‘never’, ‘forever’ - it meansinfinite interval. E.g. ‘sleep forever’ or ‘set dns:cache-expire never’.

Boolean settings can be one of (true, on, yes, 1, +) for a True valueor one of (false, off, no, 0, -) for a False value.

Integer settings can have a suffix: k - kibi, m - mebi, g - gigi, etc.They can also have a prefix: 0 - octal, 0x - hexadecimal.

FTP asynchronous mode (pipelining)

Lftp can speed up ftp operations by sending several commands at once andthen checking all the responses. See ftp:sync-mode variable. Sometimesthis does not work, thus synchronous mode is the default. You can tryto turn synchronous mode off and see if it works for you. It is knownthat some network software dealing with address translation worksincorrectly in the case of several FTP commands in one network packet.

RFC959 says: ‘‘The user-process sending another command before thecompletion reply would be in violation of protocol; but server-FTPprocesses should queue any commands that arrive while a precedingcommand is in progress’’. Also, RFC1123 says: ‘‘Implementors MUSTNOT assume any correspondence between READ boundaries on the controlconnection and the Telnet EOL sequences (CR LF).’’ and ‘‘a single READfrom the control connection may include more than one FTP command’’.

So it must be safe to send several commands at once, which speeds upoperation a lot and seems to work with all Unix and VMS based ftpservers. Unfortunately, windows based servers often cannot handleseveral commands in one packet, and so cannot some broken routers.

-dSwitch on debugging mode
-e commands
Execute given commands and don’t exit.
-p portUse the given port to connect
-u user[,pass]
Use the given username and password to connect
-f script_file
Execute commands in the file and exit
-c commands
Execute the given commands and exit
The following environment variables are processed by lftp:
HOMEUsed for (local) tilde (‘~’) expansion
SHELLUsed by the ! command to determine the shell to run.
PAGERThis should be the name of the pager to use. It’s used by themore and zmore commands.
http_proxy, https_proxyUsed to set initial http:proxy, hftp:proxy and https:proxy variables.
ftp_proxyUsed to set initial ftp:proxy or hftp:proxy variables, dependingon URL protocol used in this environment variable.
no_proxyUsed to set initial net:no-proxy variable.
LFTP_MODULE_PATHUsed to set initial module:path variable.
LFTP_HOMEUsed to locate the directory that stores user-specific configuration files. Ifunset, ~/.lftp will be used.
system-wide startup file. Actual location depends on --sysconfdirconfigure option. It is /etc when prefix is /usr,/usr/local/etc by default.
~/.lftp/rc, ~/.lftprc
These files are executed on lftp startup after /etc/lftp.conf.
The file things are logged to when lftp moves into the background innohup mode.
The file transfers are logged to when xfer:log setting is set to ‘yes’.
The file is used to store lftp’s bookmarks. See the bookmarkcommand.
The file is used to store last working directories for each site visited.
The file is consulted to get default login and password to ftp server.Passwords are also searched here if an URL with user name but with nopassword is used.
RFC854 (telnet),RFC959 (ftp),RFC1123,RFC1945 (http/1.0),RFC2052 (SRV RR),RFC2228 (ftp security extensions),RFC2389 (ftp FEAT),RFC2428 (ftp/ipv6),RFC2518 (WebDAV),RFC2616 (http/1.1),RFC2617 (http/1.1 authentication),RFC2640 (ftp i18n),RFC4217 (ftp over ssl).
http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-16.txt(ftp extensions over RFC959),
http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-10.txt(sftp).This manual page was originally written by Christoph Lameter<clameter@debian.org>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system. The page wasimproved and updated later by Nicolas Lichtmaier <nick@Feedback.com.ar>,James Troup <J.J.Troup@comp.brad.ac.uk> and Alexander V. Lukyanov<lav@yars.free.net>.
