Microsoft Olap Cube

  1. Microsoft Olap Cube 2
  2. Olap Cube In Excel
  3. Olap Cube Example
  4. Olap Cube Microsoft Sql

OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) is an approach to organizing and querying large data collections. End user applications can request slices from OLAP servers and provide multi-dimensional visualizations that involve aggregations, ranking and algebraic/statistical calculations to gain greater insight into the data. The OLAP cube is a technique that holds the data in the optimized form and is also used to analyse the data with quick response. It is generally used for getting quick results from multiple dimensions and fact tables. OLAP Cube Creation. First, create a data warehouse in Microsoft SQL Server studio.

Microsoft Olap Cube 2

Systems like SciScope and Data Access System for Hydrology (DASH) rely on data catalogs to facilitate data discovery. These catalogs describe several nation-wide data repositories that are important for scientists including US Geological Survey’s National Water Information System (NWIS), Environmental Protection Agency’s STOrage and RETrieval System (EPA STORET) and National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) data collections which contain a wealth of information reflecting the history and geography of environmental data collection efforts in the US.

Microsoft olap cubesMicrosoft excel olap cube

OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) is an approach to organizing and querying large data collections. End user applications can request slices from OLAP servers and provide multi-dimensional visualizations that involve aggregations, ranking and algebraic/statistical calculations to gain greater insight into the data. We have applied the OLAP technology to environmental data catalogs using SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services and used Excel and Virtual Earth to visualize the query results.

I'm not a world expert on cubes, by any stretch, but I'll give this a go. I'm going to put this in layman's terms, and I'm sure someone will come by and add to/correct what I'm going to say here.

Olap Cube In Excel

Let's start with a database. Typically you've got a big table of data in there with a bunch of columns. In the context of working with Excel's CUBE functions (xl2007+) you can pretty much view your cube as a table of data. It could be sourced from one database table or a query based off of many. In the case of PowerPivot (a new add-in for Excel 2010), it could be from a couple of tables that have a relationship defined between them. Regardless, you can view it as a huge database. They're known as OLAP cubes.

What the CUBE functions allow you to do is start filtering down that table of data based on the parameters you give it. So for example, if you have a general ledger listing that has the following columns:

  • Account
  • Dept
  • Transaction Date
  • Transaction Year
  • Transaction Month
  • Account Class (Liability, Asset, Revenue, Expense)

You'd be able to essentially write a formula that says 'Give me the data from my table WHERE Account=11010, Dept=500, Transaction Year=2010'. It's kind of like writing a full blown SQL query, but in a language that is made to work through Excel formulas.

It gets a bit more complicated than that with dimensions, measures, slices and stuff, but that gives you the general gist of what they can do for you. For a bit deeper explanation, you may want to have a read of this article: It's on PowerOLAP (not a Microsoft product), which works with Excel.

Cubes have existed prior to Excel 2007, but I can't help much in this regard as I've only been playing with them since the release of Office 2010. 3d live pool game free download. In the Microsoft world I believe they were a product of SQL Analysis Services previously, but someone else may have to correct me on that. I do know that there were also 3rd party vendors that released software to build and mine cubes. (PowerOLAP is one, and there's others out there too.)

Olap Cube Example

Hope that helps,

Olap Cube Microsoft Sql

Ken Puls, CMA, MS MVP (Excel)